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Cheap hotels and last minute hotel deals

Our expert travel advisors are waiting now to guide you through the best deals on thousands of hotels across the world. If you prefer a little more independence on your holiday, a hotel-only deal is a great option. Once your base camp is set up, you can do whatever you want! 
A hotel really can make your holiday extra special. Maybe you want that ideal beach front getaway. Do you prefer the buzz of the city centre? Would you like something a little more quirky? Or do you want something away from it all, to relax and unwind? We are ready to find that for you. Here at Purple Travel we are happy to book a hotel for you whether it is months in advance or whether you're looking for last minute hotel deals.
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Talk: You can ask our travel advisors anything about your holiday options. Don’t know which destination is right? Maybe you’re torn between two resorts or worried about staying inside your budget? Let us help you. Our agents come from all over the world, have years of experience and pride themselves on customer care.


If you’re looking for an all inclusive sun holiday with your favourite tour operator, or you prefer a tailor made experience, we can offer it a lower price than you can get elsewhere. On top of that, you get the best customer service experience when you book with us.
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