Mediterranean Hotel

Hotel, Rhodes Town

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0207 993 9222

Hotel Description

The Mediterranean Hotel is in the heart of Rhodes Town overlooking the most popular sandy beach near the Aquarium and just minutes from resort centre, next to the Casino and a short distance from the Medieval City, Castle of the Knights and the Ancient Ruins. The hotel features 241 spacious and elegantly furnished guest rooms and suites, most of which benefit from outstanding views of the Aquarium, the beach and the blue Aegean Sea. This beachfront hotel will appeal to families and couples looking for a good standard of accommodation with stylish décor and a personalized service, ideal for a relaxed holiday in Rhodes Town. The town is divided into 2 distinct areas; the modern part has good shops, tree-lined avenues, large public buildings, international restaurants and nightclubs. The old town has cobbled streets, tavernas and a fortress built by the Knights of St John. The town centre harbour area was once the site of one of the seven natural wonders of the ancient world, the 100 foot Collossus of Rhodes but is now home to yachts from around the world.

Points of interest

  • Distance from beach is 0.1Km (1 min)
  • Distance from town is 3.6Km (8 min)
  • Distance from Diagoras(RHO) airport is 15.2Km (23 min)

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