Minos Hotel

Hotel, Rethymnon

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0207 993 9222

Hotel Description

The Minos Hotel is located in the beautiful resort of Rethymnon on the magnificent island of Crete. The hotel is situated in an excellent area overlooking the magnificent Aegean Sea. The hotel lies just 180 metres away from the beautiful beach, offering guests a number of activities to enjoy during their stay. There are plenty of restaurants, shops, pubs and bars close by and the resort nightlife is always buzzing. Activities at the hotel include tennis, billiards, darts, table tennis and a range of beach and water sport activities. There is also a jewellery shop at the hotel. Entertainment at the hotel consists of Greek nights, shows, barbeques and disco evenings. Whilst in Crete guests can take a fun boat trip if they’re interested in discovering the coasts. Or you can hire a jeep or quad bikes and go exploring around the island at your own pace as there is lots to discover in Crete. For those looking for lively nightlife away from the resort should head to Heraklion where there are plenty of clubs and bars to enjoy up until the early hours of the morning! For a bit of fun, guests should head to Water City which is one of the biggest water parks in Europe! The hotel is an ideal choice for families and couples who are looking for fun and relaxation whilst on holiday in Crete.

Points of interest

  • Distance from beach is 0.2Km (1 min)
  • Distance from town is 1.2Km (3 min)
  • Distance from Souda(CHQ) airport is 74.5Km (67 min)
  • Distance from Nikos Kazantzakis Airport(HER) airport is 81.1Km (75 min)

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