Rhodian Sun

Hotel, Tholos

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0207 993 9222

Hotel Description

Rhodian Sun is a 3* hotel located in the beautiful island of Rhodes – Greece, in the area of Tholos, the local beach nearer to the hotel is 600 meters away or 15 min walk, it is situated near the Butterfly Valley, 15 km from Rhodes Town and just 2,5 km from the airport. The hotel offers a variety of amenities such as swimming pool, bar, restaurant, free use of the Wi-Fi internet in all public areas, frequent public bus service and free airport transfer available on request. Guests can relax in the spacious, beautifully decorated rooms of the hotel which are fully equipped and have magnificent view. Rhodian Sun is the ideal place for relaxing and pleasant vacations.

Points of interest

  • Distance from beach is 1.3Km (5 min)
  • Distance from town is 17.3Km (29 min)
  • Distance from Diagoras(RHO) airport is 3.4Km (6 min)

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