Sun Beach Resort Complex Hotel

Hotel, Ialissos

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0207 993 9222

Hotel Description

The Sun Beach is an exceptional 4-star resort on a superb beach front location at Ialysos, offering an extensive holiday experience consisting of an outstanding range of facilities and upgraded services that match the desires all age groups looking to unwind in peaceful surroundings. The resort lies on an area of 35000 sqm,. in a verdant environment, bounded by palm trees and elegant gardens, enhancing a restful ambience at its overall refurbished conveniences. A quality oriented contemporary resort, with an impressive range of accommodation and food & beverage facilities, an unrivalled standard of personal service, sheer comfort and eye for detail & safety committed to the satisfaction of its guests.

Points of interest

  • Distance from beach is 0.2Km (1 min)
  • Distance from town is 8.5Km (17 min)
  • Distance from Diagoras(RHO) airport is 7.4Km (12 min)

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